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leak detection

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Permanet+ TM

The PermaNet+ Trunk Main system from HWM combines high performance Hydrophone sensor and versatile telemetry data technology to create a continuous monitoring system for sensitive pipelines.

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Availability : price on request

Permanet+ TM

The PermaNet+ Trunk Main system from HWM combines high performance Hydrophone sensor and versatile telemetry data technology to create a continuous monitoring system for sensitive pipelines.

Remote Programming and Changing of all Parameters, Including Sampling Frequency

Once installed, leak data, calculated using the proven Permalog algorithm, and secondary data is transmitted via low cost GPRS or SMS telemetry. This removes the requirement for expensive site visits and “drive-by” data retrieval.

Potential Leak Areas Quickly Identified

PermaNet+ TM continuously monitors noise and will auto alarm when profile or threshold alarm levels are reached. The system works in conjunction with Google Maps technology to provide a live on-screen tracking; allowing leakage teams to respond quickly to problem areas and bring them under control efficiently

Secondary Validation

Once the presence of a leak has been identified secondary measures can be used to check and remove ‘false positives’ and localize the leak position.

Correlation – Audio files are used to correlate remotely to validate that a leak is present.

Aqualog – remotely retrieving the Aqualog detailed noise graphic, clearly indicates the consistent presence of a leak.

Audio – For operators who prefer to ‘hear’ their leaks audio files are transferred to the host.

KEY features

  • High performance hydrophones for long   distance leak detection on large diameter mains 
  • Log more frequently to establish the noise profile and profile alarms for precise immediate leakage alarms
  • Continuous (down to 15 min) sampling for leak detection and alarm
  • Secondary validation
  • Leak sizes can be determined by matching daily alarms with flow data to enable leak alerts to be prioritized
  • Easy remote set up via GPRS
  • Viewing via server hosted software and web based viewer
  • Problem zones brought quickly and effectively under control
  • External antennas to improve signal strength
  • Fully sealed & submersible, IP68
  • Designed with latest mobile technology to maximize dial in and minimize cost
  • All parameters programmable from host

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