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Connect V LT

Virtual gateways are used wherever several players (suppliers, manufacturers, technicians, etc.) have access to a network. The Connect V can be assigned to separate VLANs and has specific firewall settings. This makes it possible to block or unblock users for a limited period of time or certain functions for specific systems. Virtual gateways that can be opened or blocked. Connect V is perfect for: Separate accesses for suppliers and integrators Separate VLAN accesses Dedicated access permissions

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Availability : 1-2 weeks

Connect V LT

137,08 €

Virtual gateways are used wherever several players (suppliers, manufacturers, technicians, etc.) have access to a network. The Connect V can be assigned to separate VLANs and has specific firewall settings. This makes it possible to block or unblock users for a limited period of time or certain functions for specific systems. Virtual gateways that can be opened or blocked. Connect V is perfect for: Separate accesses for suppliers and integrators Separate VLAN accesses Dedicated access permissions

1 other products in the same category :

Connect E LT

Connect E LT

483,23 €