Item number | 0911 |
Number of accounts | 1 (max. 5)* |
Number of devices and projects | 10 (max. 20,000)* |
Number of standard VPN clients (external devices) | 1 (max. 20,000)* |
Number of active connections | 2 (max. 250)* |
Multiple active connections on one device | |
Number of mbWEB2go connections | 10 (max. 500)* |
Number of M2M connection groups | 1 (max. 500)* |
Data consumption of active connections, mbWEB2go, M2M and API requests per month | unlimited |
Guaranteed bandwidth | unlimited |
Number of users | unlimited |
Number of user groups | 250 |
Number of clients | 1,000 |
User/device component settings (firewall behind device) | |
Connection reports | Edit + Export |
Customizing Basic (front-end logo only) | |
Customizing Advanced (front-end logo,product logo, colors, mbDIALUP,mbCHECK, etc.) | License* |
Customer database API | License* |
Security updates | |
Portal upgrades | |
Number of data points per device | 25 (max. 250) |
Number of saved data points | 1M (max. 5M) or ext. storage* |
Number of dashboards | 25 (max. 20,000)* |
Number of alarm events | 25 (max. 20,000)* |
External storage for datalogging | License* |